You can find below my list of peer-reviewed publications. Some working papers and research notes can be found here. See also my HAL page, and my DBLP entry.


  • Is limited communication enough? An Approximate Multi-agent Coverage Control in Non-Convex Discrete Environments. Tatsuya Iwase, Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Bredeche, Nicolas Maudet and Jason Marden. 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024), May 2024, Auckland, New Zealand.


  • An empirical and axiomatic comparison of ranking-based semantics for abstract argumentation. Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2023.
    [.bib] [.doi]

  • On the notion of envy among groups of agents in house allocation problems. Nathanaël Gross-Humbert, Nawal Benabbou, Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet. Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2023, pp. 924–931.
    [.pdf] [.bib] [.doi]

  • Questionable Stepwise Explanations for a Robust Additive Preference Model. Manuel Amoussou, Khaled Belahcène, Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Mousseau, and Wassila Ouerdane. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2023, In press.
    [.bib] [.doi]

  • Adaptive Team Cooperative Co-Evolution for a Multi-Rover Distribution Problem. Nicolas Fontbonne, Nicolas Maudet, Nicolas Bredeche. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), July 2023, pp. 466–475. [.doi]


  • Sequential and Swap Mechanisms for Public Housing Allocation with Quotas and Neighbourhood-based Utilities. Nathanaël Gross–Humbert, Nawal Benabbou, Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 10(4), pp. 1–24. 2022.
    [.pdf] [.bib] [.doi]

  • Fair in the Eyes of Others. Parham Shams, Aurélie Beynier, Sylvain Bouveret , Nicolas Maudet. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2022, 75, pp.913-951. [.pdf] [.bib] [doi]

  • Multiagent Dynamics of Gradual Argumentation Semantics. Louise Dupuis de Tarlé, Elise Bonzon , Nicolas Maudet. 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022), May 2022, Auckland (virtual), New Zealand [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Cooperative Co-Evolution and Adaptive Team Composition for a Multi-Rover Resource Allocation Problem. Nicolas Fontbonne, Nicolas Maudet, Nicolas Bredeche. European Conference on Genetic Programming, April 2022, pp. 179–193. [.pdf] [.bib] [doi]


  • Argumentation-based Dialogue. Elizabeth Black, Nicolas Maudet, Simon Parsons. In Handbook of Formal Argumentation (volume 2) [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Minimizing and Balancing Envy among Agents using Ordered Weighted Average Parham Shams, Aurélie Beynier, Sylvain Bouveret, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory [.pdf] [.bib] [code]

  • Min-max inference for Possibilistic Rule-Based Systems. Ismail Baaj, Jean-Philippe Poli, Wassila Ouerdane, and Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2021 [.pdf] [.bib] [doi]

  • Swap Dynamics in Single-Peaked House Markets. Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet, Simon Rey, Parham Shams. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. 35(20). 2021 arXiv:1906.10250 [.bib] [.pdf] [doi]

  • Sequential and Swap Mechanisms for Public Housing Allocation with Quotas and Neighbourhood-Based Utilities (Extended Abstract). Nathanaël Gross-Humbert, Nawal Benabbou, Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021), May 2021, London / Online, United Kingdom. [.bib] [.pdf]

  • Rank Aggregation by Dissatisfaction Minimisation in the Unavailable Candidate Model (Extended Abstract) Arnaud Sébert, Nicolas Maudet, Patrice Perny, Paolo Viappiani. In Proceedings 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021), May 2021, London / Online, United Kingdom. [.bib] [.pdf] (Full version) In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory [.bib] [.pdf]


  • A Parametrized Ranking-based Semantics compatible with Persuasion Principles. Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet.
    Argument and Computation. Special Issue on Argument Strength. IOS Press, 2021, 12 (1), pp.49-85. [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Fair in the eyes of others. Parham Shams, Aurélie Beynier, Sylvain Bouveret, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence [.pdf] [.bib]


  • Strategic Candidacy with Keen Candidates. Jérôme Lang, Vangelis Markakis, Nicolas Maudet, Svetlana Obraztsova, Maria Polukarov, Zinovi Rabinovich. In Proceedings of the Workshop Games, Agents and Incentives [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Local Envy-Freeness in House Allocation Problems. Aurélie Beynier, Yann Chevaleyre, Laurent Gourvès, Ararat Harutyunyan, Julien Lesca, Nicolas Maudet, Anaëlle Wilczynski. In Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. 33(5), pp. 591–627. This is an extended version of our AAMAS-18 paper. [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Comparing options with argument schemes powered by cancellation. Khaled Belahcene, Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Mousseau, Wassila Ouerdane. In Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), Aug 2019, Macao, Macau SAR China. [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Efficiency, Sequenceability and Deal-Optimality in Fair Division of Indivisible Goods. Aurélie Beynier, Sylvain Bouveret, Michel Lemaître, Nicolas Maudet, Simon Rey, Parham Shams. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS19). [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Minimizing and Balancing envy among Agents using Ordered Weighted Average. Parham Shams, Aurélie Beynier, Sylvain Bouveret and Nicolas Maudet. In Workshop Fair Allocation in Multiagent Systems at AAMAS-19. (This paper was also be presented at JIAF-19).


  • Gradual Semantics Accounting for Similarity between Arguments. Leila Amgoud, Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Dragan Doder, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Combining Extension-based semantics and Ranking-based semantics for Abstract Argumentation. Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reaosning [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Mediation of Debates with Dynamic Argumentative Behaviors. Emmanuel Hadoux, Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet, Paul Weng. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Accountable Approval Sorting. Khaled Belahcene, Yann Chevaleyre, Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Mousseau, Wassila Ouerdane. In Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018) [.pdf] [.bib]

  • An efficient SAT formulation for learning multiple criteria non-compensatory sorting rules from examples. Khaled Belahcene, Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Mousseau, Wassila Ouerdane. Computers and OR.

  • Local Envy-Freeness in House Allocation Problems. Aurélie Beynier, Yann Chevaleyre, Laurent Gourvès, Julien Lesca, Nicolas Maudet, Anaëlle Wilczynski. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018) [.pdf] [.bib] (superseded by the JAAMAS-19 version).

  • Fairness in Multiagent Resource Allocation with Dynamic and Partial Observations (Extended Abstract) Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet, Anastasia Damamme. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018) [.pdf] [.bib]


  • A Parametrized Ranking-based Semantics for Persuasion. Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2017) [.pdf] [.bib] [DOI]

  • Rationalisation of Profiles of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks: Characterisation and Complexity. Stéphane Airiau, Elise Bonzon, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Julien Rossit. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2017, 60, pp.149–177. [.pdf] [.bib] [DOI]

  • A Model for Accountable Ordinal Sorting. Khaled Belahcene, Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Mousseau, Wassila Ouerdane. 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2017), Aug 2017, Melbourne, Australia. [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Distributed Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods. Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Artificial Intelligence, 242:1-22, 2017. [.pdf] [.bib] [DOI]

  • Explaining robust additive utility models by sequences of preference swaps. Khaled Belahcene, Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Mousseau, Wassila Ouerdane. Theory and Decision, 82, pp. 151–183. Springer Verlag, 2017 [.pdf] [.bib] [DOI]


  • A Comparative Study of Ranking-Based Semantics for Abstract Argumentation. Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet. In Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2016): 914-920 [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Rationalisation of Profiles of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. Stéphane Airiau, Elise Bonzon, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Julien Rossit.
    In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016): pp 350-357. Best paper award. [.pdf] [.bib] [DOI]

  • Argumentation Ranking Semantics Based on Propagation. Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny, Nicolas Maudet.
    In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA-2016): pp. 139-150 [.pdf] [.bib]


  • Craig Boutilier, Britta Dorn, Nicolas Maudet, Vincent Merlin. Computational Social Choice: Theory and Applications: Dagstuhl Manifesto. Informatik-Spektrum, Springer Verlag, 2015, 38 (5), pp.423-437 [DOI]

  • Anastasia Damamme, Aurélie Beynier, Yann Chevaleyre, Nicolas Maudet: The Power of Swap Deals in Distributed Resource Allocation. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2015): 625-633 [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, Wassila Ouerdane, Simon Parsons: A Dialogue Game for Recommendation with Adaptive Preference Models. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: 959-967 [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Francesco Belardinelli, Davide Grossi, Nicolas Maudet: Formal Analysis of Dialogues on Infinite Argumentation Frameworks. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), pp.861–867 [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Emmanuel Hadoux, Aurélie Beynier, Nicolas Maudet, Paul Weng, Anthony Hunter: Optimization of Probabilistic Argumentation with Markov Decision Models. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), pp. 2004–2010 [.pdf] [.bib]


  • Anisse Ismaili, Evripidis Bampis, Nicolas Maudet, Patrice Perny. How the Number of Strategies Impacts the Likelihood of Equilibria in Random Graphical Games. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2014, May 2014, Paris, France. pp.285-292.

  • Elise Bonzon, Nicolas Maudet, Stefano Moretti. Coalitional games for abstract argumentation. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Sep 2014, The Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom [DOI] [.pdf] [.bib]

  • Gauvain Bourgne and Nicolas Maudet. Designing Protocols for Abductive Hypothesis Refinement in Dynamic Multiagent Environments. Computational Intelligence, 30(2), 2014 [DOI]

  • Dionysios Kontarinis, Elise Bonzon, Nicolas Maudet, and Pavlos Moraitis. Empirical Evaluation of Strategies for Multiparty Argumentative Debates. In Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems - 15th International Workshop CLIMA, pp. 105–122, 2014.

  • Albert Pla, Beatriz López, Javier Murillo, and Nicolas Maudet. Multi-attribute auctions with different types of attributes: Enacting properties in multi-attribute auctions. Expert Syst. Appl., 41(10), 2014. [DOI]

  • Umberto Grandi, Hang Luo, Nicolas Maudet and Francesca Rossi. Aggregating CP-nets with unfeasible outcomes. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2014), 2014.


  • Anisse Ismaili, Evripidis Bampis, Nicolas Maudet, and Patrice Perny. A study on the stability and efficiency of graphical games with unbounded treewidth. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2013), 2013.

  • Dionysios Kontarinis, Elise Bonzon, Nicolas Maudet, Alan Perotti, Leon van der Torre, and Serena Villata. Rewriting Rules for the Computation of Goal-Oriented Changes in an Argumentation System. In Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems - 14th International Workshop, CLIMA, pp. 51–68, 2013.

  • Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Maudet, and Maria Polukarov. New Results on Equilibria in Strategic Candidacy. In Algorithmic Game Theory - 6th International Symposium, SAGT 2013, pp. 13–25, 2013.

  • Alberto Maran, Nicolas Maudet, Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, and Kristen Brent Venable. A Framework for Aggregating Influenced CP-Nets and its Resistance to Bribery. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13), pp. , 2013.


  • Yann Chevaleyre, Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Maudet, Jérôme Monnot, Lirong Xia. New candidates welcome! Possible winners with respect to the addition of new candidates. Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, 2012, 64 (1), pp.74-88. [.pdf]

  • Gauvain Bourgne, Katsumi Inoue, and Nicolas Maudet. Finding new consequences of an observation in a system of agents. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2012), pp. 1223–1225, 2012. Short paper.

  • Dionysios Kontarinis, Elise Bonzon, Nicolas Maudet, and Pavlos Moraitis. Picking the right expert to make a debate uncontroversial. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, pp. 486–497, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 2012. Best student paper.

  • Christophe Labreuche, Nicolas Maudet, and Wassila Ouerdane. Justifying Dominating Options when Preferential Information is Incomplete. In 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), pp. 486–491, IOS Press, 2012.

  • Nicolas Maudet, Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, and Kristen Brent Venable. Influence and aggregation of preferences over combinatorial domains. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2012), pp. 1313–1315, 2012. Short paper.


  • Elise Bonzon and Nicolas Maudet. On the Outcomes of Multiparty Persuasion. In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2011), pp. 47–54, May 2011. Runner-up for the best paper award.

  • Gauvain Bourgne, Katsumi Inoue, and Nicolas Maudet. Towards Efficient Multia-Agent Abduction Protocols. In Post-Proceedings of the Third international Workshop on Languages, methodologies and Development tools for multi-agent systems (LADS-2011), August 2011.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Maudet, and Jérôme Monnot. Compilation and communication protocols for voting rules with a dynamic set of candidates. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK-2011), July 2011.


  • Gauvain Bourgne, Katsumi Inoue, and Nicolas Maudet. Abduction of distributed theories through local interactions. In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2010), August 2010.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Maudet, and Jérôme Monnot. Possible Winners when New Candidates are Added: the case of scoring rules. In Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2010), July 2010.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Simple Negotiation Schemes for Agents with Simple Preferences: Sufficiency, Necessity and Maximality. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 20(2):234–259, 2010.

  • Antonis Kakas, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Leila Amgoud, Nicolas Maudet, and Pavlos Moraitis. ABA: Argumentation-based Agents. In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2010), August 2010. Short paper.

  • Wassila Ouerdane, Nicolas Maudet, and Alexis Tsoukias. Dealing with the Dynamics of Proof-Standard in Argumentation-based Decision Aiding. In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2010), August 2010. Short paper.


  • Gauvain Bourgne, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, and Nicolas Maudet. Towards Refinement of Abductive or Inductive Hypotheses through Propagation. Journal of Applied Logic, 7(3):289–306, 2009. Special Issue on Abduction and Induction in Artificial Intelligence

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Maudet, and Guillaume Ravilly-Abadie. Compiling the votes of a subelectorate. In Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2009), July 2009.

  • Nicolas Maudet, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, and Marc Guyomard, editors. Actes des Cinquièmes Journées Francophones sur les Modèles Formels de l’Interaction (MFI09), 2009.

  • Guillaume Ravilly-Abadie, Yann Chevaleyre, Mathieu Lacroix, Jérôme Lang, and Nicolas Maudet. Que sait-on du résultat d’une élection avant que tous les votants se soient exprimés?. In Actes électroniques des Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF-2009), Octobre 2009.


  • Gauvain Bourgne, Amal El Fallah Seghgrouchni, Nicolas Maudet, and Henry Soldano. Multiagent Incremental Learning in Networks. In Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Multiagents (PRIMA–2008), December 2008.

  • Gauvain Bourgne, Nicolas Maudet, and Guillaume Ravilly-Abadie. Raisonnement hypothétique distribué sans connaissance commune. In Actes des 16èmes Journées Francophones des Systèmes Multiagents (JFSMA–2008), October 2008.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang, and Nicolas Maudet. Preference Handling in Combinatorial Domains: From AI to Social Choice. AI Magazine. Special Issue on Preferences., 2008.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Jérôme Lang, Nicolas Maudet, and Guillaume Ravilly-Abadie. Compiling the votes of a subelectorate. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2008), September 2008.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Trajectories of Goods in Distributed Allocation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2008), AAAI Press, May 2008.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Sylvia Estivie, and Nicolas Maudet. Multiagent Resource Allocation in k-additive Domains: Preference Representation and Complexity. Annals of Operations Research, 163(1):49–62, 2008.

  • Wassila Ouerdane, Nicolas Maudet, and Alexis Tsoukias. Argument Schemes and Critical Questions for Decision Aiding Process. In Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2008, pp. 285–296, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 2008.


  • Gauvain Bourgne, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, and Nicolas Maudet. Towards Refinement of Abductive or Inductive Hypothesis through Propagation. In Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop on Abduction and Induction in Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics, pp. 20–40, October 2007.

  • Gauvain Bourgne, Gael Hette, Nicolas Maudet, and Suzanne Pinson. Hypotheses Refinement Under Topological Communication Constraints. In Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2007), pp. 994–1001, ACM Press, May 2007.

  • Yann Chevaleyre and Nicolas Maudet. Règles Naturelles Optimales pour l’Argumentation. In Actes des Quatrièmes Journées Francophones sur les Modèles Formels de l’Interaction (MFI07), pp. 293–300, May 2007. Short paper. (This is a french version of our COMSOC–2006 paper.)

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Allocating Goods on a Graph to Eliminate Envy. In Proceedings of the 22nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2007), pp. 700–705, AAAI Press, July 2007.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang, and Nicolas Maudet. A Short Introduction to Computational Social Choice. In Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM-2007), pp. 51–69, LNCS 4362, Springer-Verlag, January 2007. Paper to go with J. Lang’s invited talk.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Sylvia Estivie, and Nicolas Maudet. Reaching Envy-free States in Distributed Negotiation Settings. In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2007), pp. 1239–1244, AAAI Press, January 2007. Poster paper.

  • J. Lang, Y. Lespérance, D. Sadek, and N. Maudet, editors. Actes des Quatrièmes Journées Francophones sur les Modèles Formels de l’Interaction (MFI07), Annales du LAMSADE 8, 2007.

  • Nicolas Maudet, Simon Parsons, and Iyad Rahwan. Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Context and Recent Developments. In Proceedings of Argumentation in MultiAgent Systems (ARGMAS06). Post-Proceedings of the Third International Workshop. Revised Selected and Invited Papers., pp. 1–16, LNCS 4766, Springer-Verlag, 2007.

  • N. Maudet, S. Parsons, and I. Rahwan, editors. Argumentation in MultiAgent Systems, LNAI 4766, Springer-Verlag, 2007. Post-Proceedings of the Third International Workshop. Revised Selected and Invited Papers.

  • Wassila Ouerdane, Nicolas Maudet, and Alexis Tsoukias. Arguing over Actions that Involve Multiple Criteria: A Critical Review. In Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning under Uncertainty (ECSQARU–2007), pp. 308–319, LNCS 4724, Springer-Verlag, October 2007.


  • Gauvain Bourgne, Nicolas Maudet, and Suzanne Pinson. Raffinement et propagation d’hypothèses entre agents.. In Actes des Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA2006), October 2006. Short paper.

  • Gauvain Bourgne, Nicolas Maudet, and Suzanne Pinson. When Agents Communicate Hypotheses in Critical Situations. In Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT–2006), pp. 89–104, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 4327, Springer-Verlag, May 2006.

  • Yann Chevaleyre and Nicolas Maudet. Natural Rules for Optimal Debates: Preliminaries for a Combinatorial Exploration. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Computational Social Choice, December 2006.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Tractable Negotiation in Tree-structured Domains. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2006), pp. 362–369, ACM Press, May 2006.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Paul E. Dunne, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang, Michel Lemaître, Nicolas Maudet, Julian Padget, Steve Phelps, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar, and Paulo Sousa. Issues in Multiagent Resource Allocation. Informatica, 30:3–31, 2006.

  • Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Negotiating Socially Optimal Allocations of Resources. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 25:315–348, 2006.

  • Sylvia Estivie, Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. How Equitable is Rational Negotiation?. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2006), pp. 866–873, ACM Press, May 2006.

  • Joris Hulstijn and Nicolas Maudet. Uptake and Joint Action. Journal of Cognitive Systems Research, 7(2–3):175–191, Elsevier, 2006. Special issue on Cognition and Collective Intentionality.

  • S. Parsons, N. Maudet, P. Moraitis, and I. Rahwan, editors. Argumentation in MultiAgent Systems, LNAI 4049, Springer-Verlag, 2006. Post-Proceedings of the Second International Workshop. Revised Selected and Invited Papers.


  • Gauvain Bourgne, Nicolas Maudet, and Suzanne Pinson. Efficient Propagation of Uncertain Information (A Rumor-based Approach). In Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (EUMAS-2005), December 2005.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. On Maximal Classes of Utility Functions for Efficient one-to-one Negotiation. In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2005), pp. 941–946, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, August 2005.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Protocols for Tractable Resource Allocation with $k$-additive Utilities. In Troisièmes Journées Francophones sur les Modèles Formels d’Interaction (MFI-2005), pp. 83–92, Cépaduès-Éditions, May 2005.

  • Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang, and Nicolas Maudet. Negotiating over Small Bundles of Resources. In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2005), pp. 296–302, ACM Press, July 2005.

  • Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Negotiating Socially Optimal Allocations of Resources: An Overview. Technical Report 2005/2, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, 2005.

  • Ulle Endriss and Nicolas Maudet. Multiagent Resource Allocation and Welfare Engineering. AgentLink News 18, pages 3–4, August 2005.

  • Ulle Endriss and Nicolas Maudet. On the Communication Complexity of Multilateral Trading: Extended Report. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 11(1):91–107, 2005.

  • Sylvia Estivie, Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, and Nicolas Maudet. Sur le caractère égalitaire de l’allocation distribuée de ressources. In Actes des Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, November 2005. Best Paper Award.

  • Antonis Kakas, Nicolas Maudet, and Pavlos Moraitis. Modular Representation of Agent Interaction Rules Through Argumentation. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 11(2):189–206, 2005. Special Issue on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems


  • Flavien Balbo, Nicolas Maudet, and Julien Saunier. Interactions opportunistes par l’écoute flottante. In Actes des Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, pp. 265–270, November 2004. Short paper

  • Y. Chevaleyre, U. Endriss, S. Estivie, and N. Maudet. Welfare engineering in practice: on the variety of multiagent resource allocation problems. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agent World, pp. 335–347, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3451, Springer-Verlag, Toulouse, October 2004.

  • Y. Chevaleyre, U. Endriss, S. Estivie, and N. Maudet. Multiagent resource allocation with k-additive utility functions. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Computer Science and Decision Theory, pp. 83–100, Paris, October 2004.

  • Ulrich Endriss, Wenjin Lue, Nicolas Maudet, and Kostas Stathis. Competent agents and customising protocols. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agent World (ESAW-2003), pp. 168–181, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3071, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

  • Ulrich Endriss and Nicolas Maudet. Welfare Engineering for MultiAgent Systems. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop Engineering Societies in the Agent World (ESAW-2003), pp. 93–106, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3071, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

  • Ulrich Endriss and Nicolas Maudet. On the communication complexity of multilateral trading. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS-2004), pp. 622–629, ACM Press, July 2004. Finalist for the best paper award

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Logic-based agent communication protocols. In Advances in agent communication languages, pp. 91–107, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 2922, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

  • Joris Hulstijn and Nicolas Maudet. Uptake and Joint Action. In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Collective Intentionality IV, pp. , 2004.

  • A. Kakas, N. Maudet, and P. Moraitis. Layered strategies and protocols for argumentation-based agent interaction. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Argumentation in MultiAgent Systems, pp. 66–79, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3366, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004.

  • N. Maudet, P. Muller, and L. Prevot. Conversational Gameboard and Discourse Structure. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmactics of Dialogue, Barcelona, July 2004. Poster.

  • N. Maudet, P. Muller, and L. Prevot. Tableaux conversationnels en SDRT. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Segemented Discourse Rhetorical Structures, pp. , Fez, 2004.


  • B. Chaib-draa, N. Maudet, and M. A. Labrie. Request for action reconsidered as a dialogue game based on commitments. In Communication in Multiagent Systems - Agent Communication Languages and Conversation Policies, pp. 284–299, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) State of the Art Survey 2650, Springer-Verlag, July 2003.

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Aspects of Protocol Conformance in Inter-agent Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2003), pp. 982–983, ACM Press, July 2003. Extended Abstract

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Resource Allocation in Egalitarian Agent Societies. In Secondes Journées Francophones sur les Modèles Formels d’Interaction (MFI-2003), pp. 101–110, Cépaduès-Éditions, May 2003. Finalist for the Best Paper Award.

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. On Optimal Outcomes of Negotiations over Resources. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2003), pp. 177–184, ACM Press, July 2003.

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Protocol Conformance for Logic-based Agents. In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2003), pp. 679–684, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, August 2003.

  • Joris Hulstijn and Nicolas Maudet. Uptake as conditional obligations. In Proceedings of the 14th Amsterdam Colloquium, pp. 141–146, December 2003.

  • W. Lu, N. Maudet, and K. Stathis. Building Socio-Cognitive Grids by combining Peer-to-Peer computing with Computational Logic. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Socio-Cognitive Grids, Greece, 2003.

  • M.-A. Labrie, B. Chaib-draa, and N. Maudet. DIAGAL: a tool for analyzing and modelling commitment-based dialogues between agents. In Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings 16th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (AI-2003), pp. 353–369, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2671, Springer Verlag, Halifax, Canada, June 2003.

  • N. Maudet. Negotiating dialogue games. Journal of autonoumous agents and multi-agent systems, 7(2):229–233, Kluwer, November 2003.

  • Nicolas Maudet and Philippe Muller. Pour un dialogue entre jeux et rhetorique. In Secondes Journées Francophones sur les Modèles Formels d’Interaction (MFI-2003), pp. 189–198, Cépaduès-Éditions, May 2003.


  • L. Amgoud and N. Maudet. Strategical considerations for argumentative agents (preliminary report). In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), pp. 409–417, Toulouse, April 2002. Special session on Argument, Dialogue, Decision

  • L. Amgoud, N. Maudet, and S. Parsons. An argumentation-based semantics for agent communication languages. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2002), pp. 38–42, IOS Press, Lyon, France, July 2002.

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Conditions for Optimal Outcomes of Negotiations about Resources. In Proceedings of the 5th UK Workshop on Multiagent Systems (UKMAS-2002), Liverpool, UK, December 2002.

  • Ulrich Endriss, Nicolas Maudet, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. Communication Protocols for Logic-based Agents. In Proceedings of the 5th UK Workshop on Multiagent Systems (UKMAS-2002), December 2002. Extended Abstract

  • N. Maudet. A la recherche de la structure intentionnelle du dialogue. Traitement automatique des langues, 43(2):71–98, 2002.

  • N. Maudet and B. Chaib-draa. Commitment-based and dialogue-game based protocols: new trends in agent communication languages. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 17(2):157–179, Cambridge University Press, June 2002.

  • N. Maudet and F. Evrard. Les jeux: des structures pour l’engagement dans le dialogue. Information - Interaction - Intelligence, pp. 135–156, Cépaduès éditions, 2002.

  • P. Torroni, P. Mello, N. Maudet, M. Alberti, A. Ciampolini, E. Lamma, F. Sadri, and F. Toni. A logic-based approach to modeling interaction among computees (preliminary report). In Proceedings of the 5th UK Workshop on Multiagent Systems (UKMAS-2002), Liverpool, UK, December 2002.


  • N. Maudet. Notes on relevance in dialectical systems. In Proceedings of the ESQUARU Workshop Adventures in Argumentation, pp. 36–42, Toulouse, 2001.

  • N. Maudet. Modéliser l’aspect conventionnel des interactions langagières: la contribution des jeux de dialogue. Ph.D. Thesis, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, 2001.

  • N. Maudet and D. J. Moore. Dialogue games as dialogue models for interacting with, and via, computers. Journal of Informal Logic, 21(3):219–243, 2001.

  • N. Maudet and F. Evrard. Les jeux: des structures pour l’engagement dans le dialogue. In Actes des 1éres Journées Modéles Formels de l’Interaction, Toulouse, 2001.


  • L. Amgoud and N. Maudet. Vers un modèle de dialogue basé sur l’argumentation. In Actes du 12ème Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA-2000), pp. 579–588, Paris, 2000.

  • L. Amgoud, N. Maudet, and S. Parsons . Modelling dialogues using argumentation. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS00), pp. 31–38, IEEE Press, Boston, USA, July 2000.

  • L. Amgoud, S. Parsons, and N. Maudet. Arguments, dialogue, and negotiation. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2000), pp. 338–342, IOS Press, Berlin, Germany, August 2000.

  • L. Amgoud and N. Maudet. On the cooperative behaviour of an argumentation based dialogue system. In Proceedings of the Workshop Cooperative models based on argumentation in problem solving, pp. 1–6, Nice, France, 2000.


  • N. Maudet and D. J. Moore. Dialogue games for computer supported collaborative argumentation. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Computer supported collaborative argumentation (CSCA99), Standford, USA, 1999.


  • N. Maudet and F. Evrard. A generic framework for dialogue game implementation. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, pp. 185–198, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 1998.

  • N. Maudet and F. Evrard. Using Implicature to avoid conflict in dialogue . In Proceedings of the ECAI-1998 Workshop on Conflicts: avoid them or use them, Brighton, UK, August 1998.

  • N. Maudet and P. Muller. Implicatures et interprétation spatiale. In Actes des Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA98), Toulouse, France, 1998.